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Acorn Gathering 2024: Get Out into your local Woodlands & Find Some of our Native Seeds with our Seed Identifier

August 29, 2024

Download: Seed ID Sheet

At The Nature Trust, every native tree and shrub we plant comes from seed collected in Irish woodlands by qualified seed collectors. These seeds are germinated and nurtured in Irish tree nurseries until they are ready to be planted, usually after two or three years of careful growth. Among the species we work with are oak, hazel, rowan, alder, Scots pine, blackthorn, hawthorn, and birch, all of which play a crucial role in preserving Ireland’s natural landscape.

Now, with autumn 2024 upon us, the hedgerows are brimming with ripened blackberries, and the hawthorn and rowan trees are adorned with their bright red berries. This season, we’re continuing our focus on how our beautiful native trees produce seeds and nuts in various shapes and forms. These seeds are not only a vital food source for wildlife, from squirrels and badgers to birds and mice, but they also hold the potential for a new generation of native woodlands.

This autumn, we invite you to join us again for The Nature Trust Acorn Gathering. As you explore the outdoors, keep an eye out for these seeds and nuts, and perhaps gather and plant a few yourself! To assist you, we’ve created an easy-to-use downloadable Seed ID sheet, highlighting some of the most common native tree seeds you’ll encounter in the Irish countryside. 

This October The Nature Trust will be hosting some events across the country to gather communities together so stay tuned to all Nature Trust social media channels for news on how to get involved in these Acorn Gathering events.

So get out into your local woodlands and watch as nature transforms into a tapestry of autumn colours, and remember that every seed you gather holds the promise of a greener future!

The Nature Trust’s 2024 Acorn Gathering project is supported by the The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine under its Forestry Promotion Project 2023/2024.

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