Acorn Gathering 2023 Family Day Sligo

Acorn Gathering 2024: Join Us to Gather Acorns and Nurture our Native Woodlands!

August 15, 2024

As the autumn days begin to take over, we reflect on the success of last year’s Acorn Gathering Week and prepare for another season of collecting ahead.

In 2023, with the help of passionate volunteers, local communities, and schools across Ireland, we gathered thousands of acorns that are now thriving in nurseries, soon to be planted to create new native woodlands. The overwhelming support and enthusiasm from people like you have made a significant impact, helping to secure a future for Ireland’s native trees.

This season, we’re continuing our focus on the humble acorn and its wondrous journey to become the mighty oak. With this in mind, we are excited to announce another round of Acorn Gathering events happening this October in select woodlands across the country. 

In partnership with the dedicated team at Coillte, including their tree nursery in Ballintemple, Co. Carlow, we will be working alongside schools, local communities, and partners to gather acorns once again. These acorns will be germinated and cared for at the nursery until they are ready to be planted in new native woodlands throughout Ireland.

Stay tuned to The Nature Trust website and follow us on social media for updates on how you can get involved in these free outdoor gatherings – and just to give you a bit more of an insight you can watch our short film on how we collect the acorns and help them thrive within our wonderful native woodlands.

We look forward to welcoming you all to continue our journey in creating new native woodlands in communities across Ireland, and we encourage you to embrace the beauty of this season. 

The Nature Trust’s 2024 Acorn Gathering project is supported by the The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine under its Forestry Promotion Project 2023/2024.

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